Monday, March 12, 2012

Nobody Buys the Elizabeth Warren Burger

From the Massachusetts GOP:

Would you like a burger topped with red peppers, onions, feta cheese, and Dijon mustard. No? You are not alone, patrons at Mr. Bartley's Burgers in Harvard Square are forsaking the Elizabeth Warren burger.

In a revealing quote from Bill Bartley, owner of the iconic “Mr. Bartley’s Burgers” located just steps from Harvard University, “Nobody buys the Elizabeth Warren burger,” he said. “You can’t give them away.”

The Scott "What The Truck" Brown burger sounds quite tasty: bacon, American cheese, grilled onions, jalapenos, & french fries.

Some would blame the feta cheese and mustard. I think it's the elitist multimillionairess who insists she's somehow not wealthy, fostered the occupy movement, and has thrown rocks at people who actually hire people to work in this country.

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