Friday, October 3, 2008

Seeing John Malkovich

I got by hair cut Friday at the Custom Barbership, which is located in a little half-width space on Brattle Street. After paying, I stepped out of the tiny door and almost ran into a passerby, a balding man in his 50s wearing a jean jacket. He gave me an angry look that stopped me in my tracks and was so piercing you could see the world through his eyes. He looked familiar, and as he walked away I realized it was John Malkovich.

Who is John Malkovich? Just one of the great American actors of the 20th century. He was in that jewel thief movie, for example. And that one set in France with Glenn Close and Michelle Pfeiffer, that Jenry James novel one with Nicole Kidman and Barara Hershey, that disturbing self-referential one with Cameron Diaz, and that one last year with Angelina Jolie and Robin Wright Penn. But my favorite is Making Mr. Right with Ann Magnuson, Glenne Headley, and Laurie Metcalf.

From Being John Malkovich: There is truth, and there are lies, and art always tells the truth, even when it's lying.

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