Saturday, February 25, 2012

Vote Santorum: Jesus Didn't Pick His 12 Disciples on Brains Only

The received wisdom on the January 2012 Iowa Caucus is that Newt Gingrich was beaten by Mitt Romney's SuperPac-funded negative ad machine. Or was it uncoordinated efforts by many individual politically active citizens? iPacs.

Don Brantz is a farmer, member of his local chamber of commerce, and former county supervisor from Mills County Iowa. He took the ad above out in the Clarinda Herald-Journal the week before the January 3rd caucus.

I nominate "Jesus didn't pick His 12 disciples on brains only" as the best Vote Santorum tagline ever. As Don's hometown is Glenwood in Mills County not Clarinda in Page County, I'm guessing he ran this ad on his own nickel in several local newspapers.

How Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich polled in Mills and the four corner counties in Southwest Iowa:


That's quite a contrast. Don't sniff at the low totals, Santorum won Iowa by only 34 votes. iPacs like Don Brantz may be the unsung story of Iowa and this whole Republican primary season.

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